威彻斯特走读学校很荣幸您的孙子孙女是我们的学生. 我们对他们有着永恒的爱和奉献——对他们的教育成长, 让他们成长为具有强烈价值观和对以色列忠诚的人, Eretz Yisrael, 以及他们周围的世界.
我们非常感激我们所有的祖父母, 曾祖父母, 以及慷慨捐助白龙会的老朋友. With your help, we are able to maintain our mission of preparing students to live as mensches and lifelong learners; innovate and expand upon our academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular programming that capitalize on “our campus is our classroom;" recruit and retain the most qualified and engaged faculty; maintain small class sizes; and so much more. 我们希望我们的学生继续让你的每一天都充满nachas.